We even tried Nutrition Response Testing with Supplements for about 4 months. With a Nutrition Response Testing appointment, you will spend a large amount of time with a holistic practitioner who will listen to your every symptom, complaint and issue. The appointment follows where you lay down on a massage table and they apply pressure to your arm to see if your ‘inner self/ personal energy’ speaks to Yes this is an issue or No, this is not a problem for you.
You can try it out yourself right now where you are. Stand straight with your eyes closed. Think or say “My name is Bisket Bisket (or something wrong) and notice if your body sways either forward or backward. Your body should sway backward slightly, providing a “no” reply. Then think or say your true name and notice the direction your body sways now. It should be the opposite way; providing a “yes.”
This can be kind of fun to practice with kids in the grocery store, have them pull of some junk food off the shelf, upright & eyes closed have them state, My body needs the nutrition in this food.” Their energetic response should be a NO. Then try it with something healthy in the produce aisle. They should register “yes.”
Anyhow; my child muscle tested for digestive issues. Parasites and the like… pointing to a Leaky Gut. We were to go dairy free, gluten free, and no sugars to allow his digestion time to heal as well as feeding him a pile of supplements two or three times each day. We had okra, digestive enzymes, probiotics and the like. It was kind of hard to get my child to cooperate in downing a fairly large pile of pills a couple of times each day, but he cooperated hesitantly.
We continued this process for a few months; with return appointment approximately every 3 weeks. We had similar ‘reports’ each time we visited. With each return appointment, we would get another list of supplements to use in healing.
Eventually my child grew more reluctant in taking the supplements and we ended the visits to the nutrition response practitioner.
In the end, I do not feel this was the correct treatment for my child and his issues. I do believe in NRT Practitioners for their abilities to assist in pinpointing what organs or systems are stressed within the body. If I had a child with more severe health issues, I would not hesitate in bringing them.