It took me years to formulate the answer to this question. It was simple once I figured it out. No, it wasn’t lack of attention. No, it wasn’t a brain full of lead, mercury, etc.. No, it wasn’t a poor diet & need for probiotics & gut repair.
He has a dyslexic brain! Once I figured it out I was astounded that it took me so long to figure out!
As I look at words (even those you see here), I see lines and circles that make up 2-dimensional letters. I associate those letters with sounds and I can blend the sounds into words. I then ‘think’ with those words to associate meaning to what my eyes take in.
Nothing like this entire process I just mentioned explains how my child makes meaning of the printed word. My visual-spatial (dyslexic) child thinks in 3D where I do not. As much as I would have like to have his brain all figured out- I still do not. I am sure that he does take in information in 3D… I am not sure if he can visualize all of the separate letters in 3D/ or if he takes in a word through reading and processes that in 3D.